Jacques Duez has died Monday 2nd of February 2010.
It's difficult to find words to express how sad I am that I will not have the chance to meet with you again as we planned to do it the last time we met, and the last time we talked on the phone.
I'm thankful that I had the chance to know you and that you followed my invitation to Luxembourg for a presentation of your work on 19th of June 2008.
With your death, the world of education has lost a charismatic figure. You had the sensibility and the intelligence to give room to children's voices like only few people I have met could do it.
Thank you for the marvelous work you've done and which will continue to inspire me.
I'm planning an evening dedicated to Jacques Duez on Thursday 15th of April in the Cultural Center in Bivange, for all those who had the pleasure to meet him in Dudelange (L) 2008 and for those who don't know his work yet. Help me spread the word and send me an email if you plan to come: In Memory of Jacques Duez
My post on Jacques:
Read the authentic words of Jacques Duez
by Massart on http://www.desimages.be/spip.php?article404
- le chemin pour devenir professeur de morale
- l’invention d’une pratique vidéo avec les enfants
- ne pas garder de savoir en réserve
- la caméra introduit de la distance
- rencontrer l’humanité à travers un écran
- la correspondance comme effet de montage
- une égale capacité à dire ce que l'on ressent (nouveau)
- le savoir et le vivant (nouveau)
Also available as Feed:
Biographical article written by Jacques and published 5th July 2007:
Some interesting extracts of Jacques' interviews can be found on Youtube:
To me one of the most impressing video sequences by Jacques Duez is the following one, in which Jacques interviews one of his former students who has become a young man and who reflects on himself when he was a child and on his experience in Jacques Duez lessons.
Announcement of Jacques Duez's death on Arte TV-channel: