In his book "The Cathedral & The Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary" Eric Raymond writes about the rise of the Linux operating system and of open source software but his metaphor can easily be applied to education in general and also to
ICT in education. What I observe in education in Luxembourg for example are several attempts to enforce or construct educational change following a centralized, more or less coordinated top down approach. Intended is the building of controlled innovative hot-spots (cathedrals) that could, if successful, serve as transferable models, lightning the path for the rest of the educational community.
Surprisingly - and maybe not surprisingly after all - the same stakeholders that argue in favour of fundamental educational change
persistently ignoring emergent creative efforts in the bazaar and giving disproportionate weight to the innovation they think they are controlling.
To me there is a significant mismatch between what is said to be intended and what is happening real-time in school. I'll come back to this subject in short ...
If you have comments on this I would be glad to hear from you ...